Levi Maxwell


Levi Maxwell

Levi has been in the sport of Triathlon for 10+ years and his ambition is to be on top podiums in the Ironman distance and compete against the best at the World Championships. Armed with the approach 'You get out what you put in' and a passion for health and fitness. Levi has proved that you don't need to be a natural at the sport to experience progression.

What is your ultimate Finish Line?

To become an Ironman Champion and go to World Championships. Alongwith to continue to grow and improve as an athlete, coach and human.

What gets you out of bed in the morning and drives your passion to keep pushing yourself and chasing your finish lines?

The pursuit of satisfaction. Which I try not to place value on results too much as they are somewhat out of your control. So I like to find validation internally knowing Iโ€šร„รดve finished the day, the week, or race having giving it my best.

What words of advise would you pass on to a rookie entering your sport event? What would you tell a younger you about to set out on this journey?

Focus on the process and not the outcome. Itโ€šร„รดs about years not months. And take motivation from others performances. But look only to yourself for expectations. And lastly failure to plan is a plan to fail.

Describe your perfect day - how does it look, what do you do and who are you with?

It would be 24hours of daylight, 20 degrees Celsius, a little humid, partly cloudy, no wind and no fatigue so I can wake up and take the dogs to the beach or herd some sheep, then go for a swim and run at Lysterfield lake. Then play golf with my mates, then do a 4 hour ride in the hills with my athletes, following by a bush walk and Picnic with my wife and dogs followed by some more golf. Its a day where calories don't count and everything is good for you.

what is your favourite 2XU product? and why? how does this help you prepare, perform, recover?

Tough one as they are all so great and play different roles in helping me get the most of of myself. But being winter I find the insulation jacket helps me prepare for training by keeping me warm and subtle and even use it in some sessions when preparing for hotter races. The great fabrics of all the 2xu running range help me perform by keeping me comfortable and protected head to toe from all the different weather conditions Melbourne throws at us. Being so cold at the moment I really like the performance benefits of the MCS run compression tights. Recover is easy. By being better prepared and being able to perform well helps you recover Better but also coupled with the refresh recovery tights youโ€šร„รดll leave your best you in the dust of you + 2XU.

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